Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Ups and Downs to Renewable Energy Sources

Environmental and conservation issues are topics that are still going strong these days, with news of global warming, climate change, and dwindling resources practically everywhere we turn. It's all too simple to laud renewable energy sources just because they are. After all, if you can decrease your carbon footprint by lessening carbon emissions, that's a good thing – right?

As with many other things, though, there are both advantages and disadvantages to renewable energy. Whether you're dealing with off grid solar panels, dams, or gargantuan windmills, let's take peek at the difficulties you could – rather, will encounter.

1. Wind power. The list of pros is good, really. It doesn't produce greenhouse gases and other pollutants, and it can be come in handy in isolated, rural areas. The turbine itself would take up only a small area so the land around it can still be used – good news in farming areas.

However, the electricity produced depends entirely on the supply of the source, so if there's     very little to no wind, no electricity is generated. Windmills or wind turbines can also be     quite noisy – a definite drawback for people who like things quiet.

2. Hydroelectricity. There are two methods to produce this kind of electricity, with the first one relying on the movement of the tides. The other method, used in places that that are far removed from the deep ocean, involves dams being built. Outright, the advantages to this source are regular electricity production, and the durability of the dams.

However, the initial cost of building the dam is quite high, so it would have to operate for a     very long time for it to turn a profit. The construction could also alter the natural water table     level and shift the course of a steady water supply. The side effects this could have on     surrounding areas, especially for plant and wildlife, even varies from place to place.

3. Solar power. One could argue that any renewable energy we have is thanks to solar power. Like other renewable sources, solar power doesn't produce any pollution. Solar panels don't have that many wires or cords to worry about, and little maintenance is needed.

However, main drawbacks include the initial cost of having solar panels Rockhampton installed, and the efficiency, not to mention the weather – no sun, no electricity, after all.